Boatman Geller Cameron Teal Placemat
Boatman Geller offers collection of personalized Cameron Teal Placemat, unique stationery and vivid interior decors. Dress up your dining room or kitchen countertops with durable and custom personalized laminated placemat. This cute and whimsical rectangular laminated placemat is an impressive meal time accessory designed to adorn table tops with a personal touch. Add a dramatic touch to the contemporary table settings with this customized, functional and clean Cameron Teal placemat featuring attractive cameron pattern on the border. The solid inset circular-cornered monogram features the intials of your name.
Features: - Dimensions: 11"H X 17"W
- Number of Lines: 3
- Brand: Boatman Geller
- Select font, font color
- Enter name exactly as it should appear, including capitalization and punctuation